Ten Thoughts Friday

1. I could call it Thank God it is Friday, but when you are a stay at home Mom, all days are the same….

2. Last weekend as a 3 day weekend, becasue of May 1st.

3. We had some fun, ate cotton candy, went out for lunch, and went on some rides (mini roller coaster)

4. Sunday was Mother’s Day here, we went to visit some family in a different city and to put some flowers on my Grandma’s grave. On the way there we stopped at my favorite bakery (in the whole country). I had coffee, baked cheesecake and ice cream 🙂



4. BB#1 came down with a fever sunday night.

5. So during the first part of the week he was at home with us, he went back to school on Thursday.

6. BB#2 finally started playing with Lego Duplos, so I went out to buy him 2 new boxes 🙂

One of them has ducks in it. I am probably as excited to play with them as he is. HA-HA.

7. The best news of the week is: BB#2 was accepted to the pre-school we were hoping for. Hurray!

8. Now we have to start potty training soon, becasue he can only start once he is potty trained.

9. Finally the weather is better, but again we went from winter to summer, it was 30 Celsius this week.

10. Saturday I will go to another baby rummage sale. Wish me luck.