Twenty Questions: The Mummy tag!

The lovely Tracy from tagged me!

Go check out her blog, she is really awsome:

Here are my answers:

1. Are you a stay at home mum or a working mum?

I am a stay at home Mom for the second time. I stayed home with Blackberry #1 for 2 years and 3 months and then went bakc to work. Now I have been home for about 18 months.

2. Would you have it any other way?

No. I like staying home with the boys when they are little. But eventually I will need to get a job and start working again ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

3. Do you co-sleep?

No. But I do sleep in the same room with Blackberry #2 (I like to hear that he is breathing), while Blackberry #1 sleeps in the same room with his Daddy.

4. What is your one must-have item for your baby?

A Stroller. We have a Bugaboo Cameleon.

5. How many kids do you plan on having?

I have always wanted 2 kids. 2 girls ๐Ÿ™‚ I was blessed with 2 boys ๐Ÿ™‚ The last time I was pregnant was the first time I thought about having 3 kids. But since Blackberry #2 was born so early, and the NICU roallercoaster was not an easy thing, I am too afraid to get pregnan ever again ๐Ÿ˜ฆ But I will always be sad that I donโ€™t have a daughter ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

6. Date nights. How many do you have per month?

Zero. Husband is a workaholic. He is never home, and when he is, he has to spend some time with the boys. We did go on a vacation once without kids to California for 10 days.

7. Your childโ€™s favourite show?

Blackberry #2 does not watch TV yet. Blackberry #1 on the other hand watches way too much ๐Ÿ˜ฆ He likes the Transformers. And he loves The Cars and Wreck it Ralph and Madagascar.

ย 8. Name one thing you bought before the baby but never ended up using?

I bought a Chicco Post Natal Belt, and I tried to wear it after my C-Section, but it was the most uncomfortable thing, it was awful and really expensive.

9. Your childโ€™s favourite food?

BB#1 is a terrible eater. Really picky. He does like blueberries and Blackberries, olives, french toast, waffles, tuna paste,pizza, hot dogs, Hamburgers and Pasta Bolognese.

10. How many cars does your family have?

We have two cars, a Seat and a Volkswagen.

11. Weight gain โ€“ before pregnancy, during, after and now?

I only gained 1.5 kilos while pregnant with BB#2. After birth I lost like 6 kilos like in 1 week, so I was really happy about that, but those 6 kilos came back, and even a few more, since I was in isolation with BB#2 ๐Ÿ˜ฆ So it would be nice to start to loose weight, but so far I have not done anything to get it started. First I will have to give up all those buiscuits.

12. Dream holiday with your kids?

I guess Euro Disney in France. And any sea side destination ๐Ÿ™‚

13. Dream holiday without your kids?

Positano, Italy. And I would love to drive across the USA and see a bunch of stuff. Like from San Francisco to New York.

14. How has your life changed since having kids?

It has changed alot. Being single was a completly different life style. I could sleep in, go out whenever I wanted, I could travel etc.

Now I am responsible for 2 little human beings 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I always thought my “real” life would start when I have kids, but since I have them I feel like I don’t have a life anymore, but at least theirs started and that is the most important thing.

15. Finish the sentence, โ€˜it makes my heart melt when โ€ฆโ€™.

I see BB#2 smile in the morning, or when I see BB#1 hugging BB#2.

16. Where do you shop for your kids?

ย  H&M, C&A, The GAP, Tesco.

17. Favourite make up and skincare products?

ย Clinique.

18. Huggies or Pampers?

Pampers. I also use Libero.

19. Have you always wanted kids?

Yes, I always wanted kids. I think I started naming them when I was around 10. But I have changed the names, like none of them are called Madonna.

20. Best part of being a mum?

The love I can give to my Children, and the love I receive from them.


Now to tag 3 other Moms:


Project 52, Week #12


It was finally spring this weekend! BB#2 is still not walking by himself yet, but he always wants to go walking if you hold his hands.


BB#1 in his fancy clothes before heading to pre-school on a national holiday.


BB#1 last year in his fancy clothes on the same national holiday. He has grown so much ๐Ÿ™‚


A couple of weeks ago we went up north to visit some family, who live in a small village next to the big city of Debrecen.

We always have a really great time when we go for a visit ๐Ÿ™‚



(The high school)

They live in a really interesting place. The village has a really old agricultural high school, which has a big lovely park, in which there is a street in which there are these look-alike houses where the teachers used to live. Well the wife of our relative used to teach there, so they have a nice house there. Another interesting fact is that the agricultural high school, which is like 75 years old, is named after a relative of my Mother-in-law. So I guess she used to have famous relatives ๐Ÿ™‚ That was the first time I found anything interesting about my MIL. HA-HA ๐Ÿ™‚


(The street with the high school at the end)

So every winter we go visit them and the men make sausages!


(The little house where the sausage magic takes place ๐Ÿ™‚



(Ground pork meat)



(Preparing the sausage)



(This is what they will look like after being smoked)

So while the men were working, the women made lunch and I spent the day with my boys, taking big walks, sleding etc….






(BB #1 snow ball fighting in the park around the high school)

Have you ever been to a sausage making event?


Celebration weekend


This past weekend was a double celebration. Saturday was International Womens Day and Sunday was my name day.

I got lots of lovely flowers and we went out to have lunch.



I had grilled cheese with grilled vegetables and bulgur.

Because it was womens day, every lady got a free dessert ๐Ÿ™‚ A baked banana with caramel sauce and whipped cream. Sorry I forgot to take a photo of that. But one dessert is never enough so we also got a cheesecake with peanut sauce:



The Blackberry boys playing at the restaurant.

Project 52, Week #9


On Saturday Blackberry #2 tried out the swings at the playground for the first time ๐Ÿ™‚ He really liked it. We went to a playground that is really close to our apartment. There is a really old Catholic Church and next to it is a monastery, where monks live. And around the monastery there is a really big green area where the playground is situated. So lots of space to run around.



On Thursday we went to the our city zoo. Here is Blackberry #1 looking all angelic with his friend (and Brother in law), in front of the penguins. When we got to the zoo, the national TV crew was there because they were doing an interview about the new baby penguins. They picked out BB#1 to film, they wanted him to say he likes penguins ๐Ÿ™‚ย  Well, we missed out on our first chance at stardom, because BB#1 was not willing to look into the camera, and was not really willing to say anything, at least not at a volume that can be heard, so finally they did not include him in the interview ๐Ÿ˜ฆ But anyway the zoo was really fun as always ๐Ÿ™‚

Elementary school

Blackberry #1 will start first grade in September. Which means I have to find him the perfect school, with the perfect teacher, he has to win a place at the school, and I have to enroll him. And all this has to be done this spring.


I have been working on this project since last November. I visited 3 schools’s principles, I put him on preliminary lists. I have been going to open days which were held for the kids and I also visited some classes which the future teachers were teaching (without kids).

They say you are supposed to pick a teacher and not a school….

My criteria for our school are: It should be a reputable, strong school.

It should be pretty close to where we live.

I want him to learn english.


In our city there are 24 district elementary school, 2 private school (one of them a Waldorf) and 2 foundation-schools which are run by the University. They actually have some interesting classes, like one school offers english- kayak/ canoe classes.

I don’t want him to go to a private school because that would mean to commit to it financially for 8 years. And since at the moment I am not working, we cannot afford this. But I am not sad about this, because there are a few great school we can try that will be free.

We live downtown, so 5 elementary school are all within 3-5 blocks from us.

So I visited 3. Our district school means if we apply they HAVE to accept us, since we live in this district. Our district school has a pretty good reputation, the teachers seem nice, but my only problem is, that in that school you can only learn German ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

So I am concentrating on the 2 foundation school that belong to the University.ย  These don’t have districts so it is really hard to get into them. The principles decide who gets in. One of them even has an entrance exam!

So this Wednesday I got the news that BB#1 was accepted to one of these schools, and he got into the english class. This school is considered the most elite school in the city…. So I should be honoured we are accepted. I am thrilled, but I have one problem. This school is probably a really competitive school and I don’t really like our future first grade teacher. I heard she is really strict, military style, who sometimes screams, and some kids are afraid of her. She does not look like a first grade teacher, she dresses too sexy for my taste. But ofcourse I don’t know her personally, and I don’t really know how effective she teaches. I am afraid she will crunch my little guy, and he will loose his interest and will hate learning, school etc….

In the other school I like the future teachers. That school will have its entrance exam next week on monday and tuesday. They will have 4 classes: english, german, art, music. They say the english is really popular so there is 2-3x more kids applying to this class. To get into the music and arts the kid has to have some talent in these fields… I thought maybe we can apply to the music and the english class.

I am totally stressed. Maybe I am overreacting all this.

Should I just be glad we got into the best school and pray the teacher wont be that bad, or should I also take him for an entrance exam (which is already stressing him, and me out) at the other school to boroaden our choices? I am afraid if we go to the exam they will take our paper (which is necessary to enroll into school, but of which we only get one), and we might not even get into our choice of class, but then we wont be able to enroll into the elite school either….

I a totally suck at making big decisions ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

Anyone have any thoughts?

How did you choose a school for your little one?
