Happy Halloween!

In Hungary Halloween is not a holiday 😦 When I was in elementary school I spent a few years in the USA with my parents, so I got to know and like this holiday.  So each year we carve a pumpkin with Blackberry #1 and this year Blackberry #2 joined in the fun too 🙂

Here is our pumpkin:


As for costumes, we celebrate carnival in february, so here are some costumes (for Blackberry #1) from previous years:


Pumpkin dancing with his wife.





Do you celebrate Halloween?

Halloween crafts afternoon

On Friday there was a Halloween crafts afternoon at Blackberry #1’s pre-school.

There was lots to do. Home made play dough, vegetables and fruits and nuts to make animals, and they had face painting so this way anybody could get a “costume”.

Here is what Blackberry #1 made:


Play dough pumpkins and angry birds:)


Pear hedgehog and apple ladybug.


Walnut mouse.

And some more photos:






Someone offered to take our picture! Please excuse the cotton ball in my ear 😦 I have an ear infection 😦

Have you done any Halloween crafts this year?

Weekend Photo Challenge /Week 7/: Posing

This challenge is not easy. Blackberry #2 doesn’t know how to pose yet and Blackberry #1 doesn’t like it if I photograph him, he usually runs away. So it is rare to catch him posing.


Blackberry #1 posing, comparing “his wings” to other bird’s wings 🙂


Blackberry #1 posing while hiking.


Blackberry #1 posing 2 days ago at the train station while we went to pick up my brother.

Check out the other bloggerinas taking part:

Weekend Photo Challenge: OOTD and Posing ðŸ™‚

Weekend Photo Challenge /Week 7/ – How Do You Feel About Posing?


Autumn Tag

Eszter at kukolina:


Do You Remember What You Looked Like 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Autumns Ago?

and Beth at Beauty in Beta: http://beautyinbeta.co.uk/2013/10/23/autumn-tag/

did an Autumn Tag, so I decided to join in the fun to celebrate this wonderful season we call autumn 🙂

Favorite thing about Autumn?


How the leaves turn yellow and red! And Indian Summer! The warmest days of autumn, they are my favorite, since I am a summer girl 🙂 We are having Indian summer now, yesterday was 24 Celsius!  🙂




Favorite drink?


When Autumn comes warm drinks are welcome again. I love Coffee in all forms: Latte, Cappuccino, Mochaccino, Macchiato. Unfortunately we don’t have a Starbucks where I live, I would love to taste the Pumpkin Spice Latte some of you are blogging about 😦
I also love hot chocolate and when the weather cools down, I start drinking tea again: Black tea, Green tea, Fruit tea. Today for breakfast I had Lavazza Coffe and Jing Tea, English Breakfast flavour with lemon and honey and also had  2 crepes with Nutella 🙂


Favorite scent?


In Candles I love vanilla and berry scents:) I also love Lancome Green Tea perfume.


Best lipstick?


I don’t wear lipstick. I am not good at it. I forget it is there and I smudge it 😦
I do like lip gloss and lip balm.

I like the shea butter lip balm from L’Occitane.




Go to moisturizer?
I use Clinique moisture surge. I  also use their clairifying lotion.
Moisture Surge Extended Thirst Relief


 Go to colours for the eyes?


In Autumn I think brown clolours look really good for the eyes.


Favorite band/singer to listen to?


I really love the movie Pitch perfect. Here is one of the song from it:
The cup song. I want to learn the cup choreography:)


Favorite outfit to wear?


In the fall I can finally wear scarves. I have a bunch of them, I got most of them when I was in Turkey.


Autumn Treat?


Pies, Cakes, Muffins:) Anything sweet:)


 I had one of these yesterday. It is called an Ischler.


Favorite place to be?
As soon as it gets cold, I always wish I was somewhere warm 🙂
Here are some autumn photos:
This is what autumn looks like in our city:
Taken on our walk yesterday.
Some Autumn pics from last year:
Blackberry #1 feeding chesnuts to the deer.
 This is actually a hotel 🙂
 A Zen Garden.
If you would like to join Autumn Tag, please fell free to do so 🙂







10 Month Update

Blackberry #2 is 10 Months old. (I am a little late with this post, since he will be 11 Month old tomorrow!, but oh well)



Height/Weight: He was measured about 2 weeks ago: Blackberry #2 weighs 7.54 kilos  (16.6 pounds). He was 72.5 cm (28.35 inch) tall.


Teeth: Still no teeth. Just lots and lots of drooling.


Sleeping: Blackberry #2 is sleeping through the night in his crib with the monitor on. He wakes up between 5-6 am.In terms of naps, he takes 2-3 naps.




He still drinks formula 3-4x a day. He eats vegetable purees with meat (mostly chicken) for lunch, then he has a fruit puree or joghurt once a day, and he also has Sinlac (Baby Porridge) once a day.



Sizes: Blackberry #2 is wearing mostly 9-12 months clothing and size 3 nappies.




  •          He can crawl!
  •          He can stand!
  •          He is practicing sitting, still not so good at it, standing is more exciting.

Things that happend to Blackberry #2 and things Blackberry #2 you likes to do:


  •          He was sick for a week, with a fever and Diarrhea:(
  •          He likes to play with his brother. He likes grabing his ear.
  •          He likes to play with his books.
  •          He likes to bang his hands on the table when sitting in someone’s lap.

He has grown so much:


This is when he first got Mr. Monkey. He was not too thrilled.


Blackberry #2 and Mr. Monkey nowdays:)

And one last thing. Blackberry #2 can clap his hands! Yeah!

Weekend Photo Challenge /Week 6/: Unsuspecting subject


Blackberry #1 (Mini version) playing in the sea.


Blackberry #1 (Mini) pushing a pink baby stroller. Now he is a big boy, he would not be caught pushing this:)


Blackberry #1 jumping.


Blackberry #1 and the mirror.


Blackberry #1 and his wife and fun with the bubbles.


It was winter and snow. Instead of sledding Blackberry #1 was set on riding his motorcycle:)



Check out other bloggers who are taking part:




Weekend Photo Challenge: OOTD and Unsuspecting Subject

Weekend Photo Challenge /Week 5/: Sleeping

So this week the theme is sleeping!

I like this theme. For one it is easier to take a photo of :)

As for me I don’t have any pictures of me sleeping, since I am the one taking the pthotos. HA-HA

Also I have a 10 month old, so sleep is not one thing I get alot of. Sleeping is my hobby nowdays, and one thing I long for:)

If I had a choice to go to the cimena or sleep, I would sleep…

Ok, you get the point, I am majorly sleep deprived.

So here are some sleeping beauties:

Blackberry #1:




Fotok.2008.mar-2009.szept 194

Check out those eyelashes!:)

2010.feb-maj 175

In this photo Blackberry #1, when he was mini, is getting ready for bed. Check out the pumpkin pjs! Ha-ha. Blackberry #1 was a pacifier addict! He usually walked around with 3 of them, 1 in his
mouth and 2 more in each of his hands…
Then when he was nearly 3, he yawned and dropped his paci into the toilet. OH-OH! I told him the Pacifier Fairy takes these pacis and brings a small gift instead. For a few days he would ask, when
is the Pacifier Fairy cleaning his paci and bringing it back, but after he got a Mater car (from CARS), he stopped asking, and finally our pacifier days were over.


Here Blackberry #1 is playing sleep with his cousin.

2010.Toscana 475

Sleeping with Blackberry Daddy.

and nowdays:


Blackberry #2:



Poor baby had his blood drawn:(

And here are some sleeping seals in San Francisco at pier 39:)

Fotok.2008.mar-2009.szept 401

Go check out other bloggers who are taking part:

Weekend Photo Challenge /Week 5/ – This Will Not Make You Sleep!


Weekend Photo Challenge (even later than usual!)- OOTD and ‘sleeping’ children

Weekend Photo Challenge /Week 4/: Love that outfit!

I have been sick all week, so mainly I have been in my pjs. That is why only the kids will model outfits this week.

Sometimes I feel that it would be easier to take pictures of gorillas with Dian Fossey, than to take pictures of kids.

This weekend was no different.

Blackberry #1 did not want his picture taken, so he was not willing to smile:(


He is wearing jeans from H&M and his favorite Star Wars long sleeve shirt. We have one Star Wars fan on our hands…

Blackberry #2 used to stay where you put him, but now he rolls over and starts to crawl away in a nanosecond:



His hoodie and pants outfit is from the GAP.

Check out others who are taking part in the challenge this week:


Womens Water Polo Weekend

You are all probably expecting photos of lovely, muscular women playing water polo, but sorry to disappoint this post is about something else. Last weekend Blackberry #1 was invited to the Womens Water Polo Family Day that took place at a farm in the middle of nowhere:)

It was not easy to locate the farm so good thing they put out balloons along the road.

WE finally arrived:



Everybody brought some cake or cookies, so this was the result:



The kids had different challenges where they had to collect stamps (8 of them) and at the end they got a certificate of being a Great Rascal:)

Here are the Challenges:

Running through hula-hoops:


Climbing up a tree:




Riding a Horse (This was the most difficult stamp for us to get since Blackberry #1 does not really like horses, he says they are Big and Smelly:), but he was willing to walk next to the Horse so he earned his stamp:




Ride in a horse carriage:


The Certificate:


They also had races for 6 teams. Blackberry #1 was in the Seahorses team. He had different tasks, like running with a bucket or sitting in a wheelbarrow while someone was running with it (he was the smallest on the team, so that is why he got this great task:)






And the great news is that Team Seahorses won first prize the GOLD MEDAL:)

Blackberry #1 also got a tatoo, he choose himself a skull:)



Do you like going to Family day kind of events?