World Prematurity Day 2016

November 17th is World Prematurity Day. It is a day to raise awareness of the serious problem of premature birth.

November is also Prematurity Awareness Month, which is very relevant for me since both my preemies were born in November, months ahead of time.

Today I honour all the preemies in the world but especially my sons.

Blackberry #2 was born on the 25th of november, 2012. His due date was January 31st, 2013. He was born at 30 weeks via emergency C-section due to a placental abruption.  He was 1560g and 40cm. Since I was under general anasthesia I did not see him, when he was born. He was taken to the NICU right away by an ambulance.


He will turn 4 next week🙂 243

Do you know anyone who was born a preemie?


World Prematurity Day 2015

November 17th is World Prematurity Day. It is a day to raise awareness of the serious problem of premature birth. An estimated 15 million babies around the world are born too soon every year, and nearly one million of them die due to complications of preterm birth.

Around the world this day famous buildings are lit purple for world prematurity day tp raise awareness.

This last photo is taken in Budapest, at the Budapest Eye 🙂


Today I wore purple to honour World Prematurity Day.

Blackberry #2 was born on the 25th of november, 2012. His due date was January 31st, 2013. He was born at 30 weeks via emergency C-section due to a placental abruption. They said if I had arrived to the hospital 5 minutes later it would have been too late for him. He was born with and APGAR score of 9/10. He was 1560g and 40cm. Since I was under general anasthesia I did not see him, when he was born. He was taken to the NICU right away by an ambulance.


He will turn 3 next week 🙂 He brings us such joy every day 🙂 He is very sassy, brave and very cute.

The Blackberry boys having brunch.


Ten Thoughts Tuesday

1. Sorry for the long break.

2. Being with a 2 year old 24/7 is pretty time consuming, and not always easy.

3. Sometimes when you hold them while walking down the stairs, you trip and fall down, spraining your foot because while falling you cannot grab anything because you are holding a 2 year old. This was 2 weeks ago, I calmed down after an x-ray, it is not broken 🙂

4. Or they fall down the stairs by themselves, and fall on their face, scratching their whole left face 😦 (that was this weekend). Luckily the scracthes are not deep and healing fast.

5. Or they get excited after a bath, and while you are trying to put a diaper on them, they kick your hand, spraining your ring finger. That happend last night. It is all swollen and hurts like hell, but no way am I getting 2 xrays in 2 weeks, so I am playing the waiting game and hoping it will heal….

6. To say something positive: last tuesday was our 8th wedding anniversary and we went on an actual date. Dinner without kids. It was really refreshing eating alone. I even got flowers from the Husband.


7. BB#1 is doing swim classes again. Yesterday I took him and had a little time to swim myself.

8. His summer vacation starts in 1 week!

9. It has been really hot here.

10. Which is ok, because it is finally SUMMER!

Ten Thoughts Friday

1. I could call it Thank God it is Friday, but when you are a stay at home Mom, all days are the same….

2. Last weekend as a 3 day weekend, becasue of May 1st.

3. We had some fun, ate cotton candy, went out for lunch, and went on some rides (mini roller coaster)

4. Sunday was Mother’s Day here, we went to visit some family in a different city and to put some flowers on my Grandma’s grave. On the way there we stopped at my favorite bakery (in the whole country). I had coffee, baked cheesecake and ice cream 🙂



4. BB#1 came down with a fever sunday night.

5. So during the first part of the week he was at home with us, he went back to school on Thursday.

6. BB#2 finally started playing with Lego Duplos, so I went out to buy him 2 new boxes 🙂

One of them has ducks in it. I am probably as excited to play with them as he is. HA-HA.

7. The best news of the week is: BB#2 was accepted to the pre-school we were hoping for. Hurray!

8. Now we have to start potty training soon, becasue he can only start once he is potty trained.

9. Finally the weather is better, but again we went from winter to summer, it was 30 Celsius this week.

10. Saturday I will go to another baby rummage sale. Wish me luck.

Ten Thoughts Thursday

1. This week’s TTT is on Thursday.

2. Last week I enrolled BB#2 at a pre-school. Now I am waiting for their letter. They said they would send a letter with their decision in 10 days. Keep your fingers crossed for us. I really want this pre-school, I didn’t even enroll him in any others…

3. Last weekend was fun packed.

4. Saturday morning I went to a baby Rummage sale.

5. Saturday afternoon we attended a birthday party, then a name day party 🙂

6. Sunday Morning BB#1 attended his first running festival. He ran 3.4 km-s! And he was done in about 20 minutes! I was truely amazed.

7. After the running I took the boys for brunch. Belgian waffels, lemonade and caffee latte. They were also selling really yummy cakes, so I bought a few. The lemon one was my favorite.


8. Today BB#1 had his class field trip. They went to a cowboy themed park. He had a great time 🙂

9. This week we have a long weekend because of May first.

10. We are invited to a may first party tommorrow.

Do you celebrate May first in your country?

Ten Thoughts Tuesday

1. Last week I had no time to write TTT.

2. Last sunday I went to the Farmers Market again. I bought cakes and cheese 🙂

3. I went to 2 baby rummage sales.

4. I have been also selling our stuff on facebook flea markets. It is going slow, but steady.

5. I am doing all this to make some money, since I am not working at the moment and I don’t plan to work before the fall or even winter.

6. I finally went to see my friend’s new born baby boy 🙂 He is 4 weeks old already and he is soooooo cute 🙂 Seeing babies always elevates my progesterone level and I always want one more too 🙂 But after a while my sense kicks in and I remember the pregnancy, the premature births and the lack of sleep, so I think I am fine with 2 kids 🙂 Though I still long for a little girl 😦

7. We had a long weekend this past weekend and we went to the mountains, in the northern part of Hungary. The weather was pretty cold but there was no rain, so we had a good time. I will do a post later about the trip 🙂

8. BB#1 even missed a day of school because of the trip.

So we have been doing all the extra homework 😦

9. Tommorrow I have to enroll BB#2 in preschool! I cannot believe he will start in the fall.

10. I have to run and feed the kids dinner 🙂

Ten Thoughts Tuesday


1. Last Wednesday we had an appointment for BB#2 at a pediatric cardiology private practice.

2. He was upset at first, but this time the office and the doctor were more relaxing, there were stuffed animals and the doctor tried to calm him down, and referred to his heart beat, as a “frog” so she tried to amke it interesting for him.

3. So finally he calmed down enough and she could do an echocardiogram and an electrocardiogram! Hurray! This means I don’t have to be admiteed to the hospital for a day for them to sedate BB#2 to do these tests.

4. And for the results. I couldn’t even imagine this good results. He had a PDA :Failure of a child’s DA (ductus arteriosus) to close after birth. So now it looks like for sure his DA has closed all by it self! Hurray!

The last doctor also said he might have a Sinus venosus atrial septal defect, which is a deficiency of the atrial septum. But during this echocardiogram this Cardiologist said his atrial septum is intact, so ALL GOOD! I was soooooo glad to hear this.

He still has a heart murmur and his Foramen Ovale ( It is one of the fetal cardiac shunts),is still open, but ther eis no blood flowing through it…. But she said this can still close by itself and it is not anything to worry about!

5. We have to take him back for controll in 2 years!!! 2 years without a cardiologist. Hurray!

6. So these results were the best easter present for me 🙂

7. BB#1 had a 6 day spring break. But nothing went according to plans 😦

8. We wanted to make a day trip to Budapest but that didn’t happen.

9. BB#1 came down with a fever on saturday and by the time he recovered all his friends became ill, so we could do any of the play dates we planned.

10. For these and other reasons (Daddy Blackberry worked the whole weekend, and the weather was crappy, strong winds and cold) Easter was not so perfect this year, but the kids still enjoyed the egg hunt and all the chocolate. And to end on a good note the Magnolia Trees are in full bloom in our city, so taking a walk is really enjoyable this time of the year 🙂

Easter Cupcake Decorating Workshop

Last weekend I attended an easter cupcake decorating workshop.

I had to apply and pay the fee in advance. I also had to find a babysitter. When all that was done, I was finally heading to our local farmers market for a morning of fun 🙂

First I bought some carrot cake and some professional cupcakes, incase my work would be so decorative.


The work table:


We were making 3 cupcakes: a bunny, a lamb and a flower cupcake.

Here are the prototypes: (The flower was not finished…)


Here is what we started with:


And the finaly results after almost 2 hours of work:


I think they turned out pretty good.

I had fun, it was a relaxing morning 🙂 They also have cake decorating workshops, so amybe once I will do one of those too 🙂

And here is BB#1 destroying (eating 🙂 one of my cupcakes 🙂


Have you ever made cupcakes before?

Happy Easter to everyone!

Ten Thoughts Tuesday

1. Last week was BB#1’s last ice-skating class. He is really good, he got an A.

2. This week they will go bowling and from next week they will be swimming, till the end of school year.

3. The weekend was busy. Saturday morning we attended a birthday party.

4. Saturday afternoon BB#1 went to a Easter crafts afternoon.

5. Sunday I went to the Farmers Market, where I attended a Cupcake Decorating Workshop. It was really fun. I will do a separate post about it.

6. Today I went to have coffee with the girls at our friend’s Cafe called Manuel.

7. I had a Cookies Latte and a croissant, BB#2 had a lemonade.


8. Then BB#2 had a play date with his little friend who is a girl. This was there 2nd date, and it looks like they are getting along, so finally we have a friend, who is our age 🙂

9. Spring break for BB#1 starts Thursday.

10. Tomorrow is our appointment at the Pediatric Cardiology Private Practice. Keep your fingers crossed for us!

Ten Thoughts Tuesday

1. My Poor Dad’s car was broken into 😦 They broke one of the windows and took his bag with all his papaers, bank card in it 😦

And all this happend during day time in the afternoon, he was parked in front of his own garage 😦

2. Also yesterday they planted a new tree in front of our building. I am all for more green, less concrete 🙂 But By this morning the tree was gone 😦 I guess they are also stealing trees. Strange.

3. My pregnant friend finally gave birth Friday. She was 4 days overdue. She finally had to have a C-section. She is now a Mommy to a baby Boy 🙂

4. I went to visit her in the hospital that afternoon, but I haven’t seen the Baby yet. I cannot wait to hold this little Boy 🙂

5. Saturday we went to visit one of our friends. BB#2 was not having a good day, he would not go into the house. I could take his shoes off after 10 minutes, than I had to sit with him in my lap for another 30 minutes with his hat and coat on 😦

6. Yesterday we started spring shopping for BB#1. He got 2 pants and a T-Shirt.

7. Tomorrow will be the last Ice-skating class for BB#1, and finally parents can go and watch. I am excited, I haven’t seen him skate yet.

8. Also on wednesday we have a play date for BB#2. We don’t know many kids his age. We had to cancel last week because he got a runny nose.

9. Last week coffee with friends was cancelled, but finally today I got to go for coffee with 1 friend. We went to a strudel shop that is kid friendly.

10. I had a caramel latte and a pumpkin strudel:

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